
Monday, December 2, 2013

Tradtional Diet

Something to think about...
How long did YOUR ancestors live while eating BACON, LARD, & WHOLE MILK?
My Great-Grandma was a tough ol’ chick. She ate real, traditional food & could cook up fried chicken from scratch. When I say “from scratch” I literally mean “from scratch”. As in, she would kill a chicken, dress it, coat it with flour, and fry that baby up in a big ‘ol frying pan of lard... Following a traditional diet will give us optimal health. Seasonal fruits & vegetables, grains, milk, butter, cream, meat, seafood, eggs – all in the best form possible and if you can digest them – is the key to weight loss and disease reversal.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013


What Learning Cursive Does for Your Brain
Yet scientists are discovering that learning cursive is an important tool for cognitive development, particularly in training the brain to learn “functional specialization,” that is capacity for optimal efficiency. In the case of learning cursive writing, the brain develops functional specialization that integrates both sensation, movement control, and thinking. Brain imaging studies reveal that multiple areas of brain become co-activated during learning of cursive writing of pseudo-letters, as opposed to typing or just visual practice.

Cursive Benefits Go Beyond Writing
Putting pen to paper stimulates the brain like nothing else, even in this age of e-mails, texts and tweets. In fact, learning to write in cursive is shown to improve brain development in the areas of thinking, language and working memory. Cursive handwriting stimulates brain synapses and synchronicity between the left and right hemispheres, something absent from printing and typing.
The College Board found that students who wrote in cursive for the essay portion of the SAT scored slightly higher than those who printed.
Lessons in Calligraphy and Penmanship
A Penmanship Forum
4 benefits of writing by hand
More Penmanship Links

Cherry Hill Museum

"The historic house was built in 1789 and was home to 5 generations of hoarding Van Rensselaers. The collection if items collected by the family over time include over 3,000 photographs, 7,000 textiles, 20,000 objects, 30,000 manuscript among other things. It is a naturally accumulated time capsule of the family and the time periods in which they lived. In 1963, the last remaining member of the family died and the house became a museum." (source)
Historic Cherry Hill House Museum Website
Help Save Cherry Hill Museum

Saturday, July 20, 2013

How to Make a Shaker Cheese Basket

Interesting video:

Youtube How to Make a Shaker Cheese Basket 


Swedish lutenist Jonas Nordberg performs the Prélude and Allemande from the Suite in a minor for theorbo by Robert de Visée. de Visée was a prominent composer and luteplayer working at the court of Louis XIV in France. His solo repertoire for theorbo and baroque guitar has survived as some of the greatest pieces for the instruments.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Pocket College

An interesting project bases on the works of Rousas John Rushdoony, see: Pocket College Wiki and

Pocket College is an online Christian college equipping the saints to advance the kingdom. Why Pocket College? For all the same reasons you homeschool. For ages 16 and up. Learn on your schedule, where ever you are. Learn while you work full time or start your own business. Everything presented in the context of the truth of Scripture. Available online; formatted for a smartphone. Tithe based tuition: no loans; no debt. Instead build capital and gain job experience.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Suo Gân

Suo Gân, a Welsh lullaby

    Huna blentyn ar fy mynwes
    Clyd a chynnes ydyw hon;
    Breichiau mam sy'n dynn amdanat,
    Cariad mam sy dan fy mron;
    Ni cha' dim amharu'th gyntun,
    Ni wna undyn â thi gam;
    Huna'n dawel, annwyl blentyn,
    Huna'n fwyn ar fron dy fam.

    Huna'n dawel, heno, huna,
    Huna'n fwyn, y tlws ei lun;
    Pam yr wyt yn awr yn gwenu,
    Gwenu'n dirion yn dy hun?
    Ai angylion fry sy'n gwenu,
    Arnat ti yn gwenu'n llon,
    Tithau'n gwenu'n ôl dan huno,
    Huno'n dawel ar fy mron?

    Paid ag ofni, dim ond deilen
    Gura, gura ar y ddôr;
    Paid ag ofni, ton fach unig
    Sua, sua ar lan y môr;
    Huna blentyn, nid oes yma
    Ddim i roddi iti fraw;
    Gwena'n dawel yn fy mynwes
    Ar yr engyl gwynion draw.

    Sleep my baby, at my breast,
    ’Tis a mother’s arms round you.
    Make yourself a snug, warm nest.
    Feel my love forever new.
    Harm will not meet you in sleep,
    Hurt will always pass you by.
    Child beloved, always you’ll keep,
    In sleep gentle, mother’s breast nigh.

    Sleep in peace tonight, sleep,
    O sleep gently, what a sight.
    A smile I see in slumber deep,
    What visions make your face bright?
    Are the angels above smiling,
    At you in your peaceful rest?
    Are you beaming back while in
    Peaceful slumber on mother’s breast?

    Do not fear the sound, it’s a breeze
    Brushing leaves against the door.
    Do not dread the murmuring seas,
    Lonely waves washing the shore.
    Sleep child mine, there’s nothing here,
    While in slumber at my breast,
    Angels smiling, have no fear,
    Holy angels guard your rest.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Flowers

The Flowers
by Robert Louis Stevenson
From Child's Garden of Verses

All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames--
These must all be fairy names!

Tiny woods below whose boughs
Shady fairies weave a house;
Tiny tree-tops, rose or thyme,
Where the braver fairies climb!

Fair are grown-up people's trees,
But the fairest woods are these;
Where, if I were not so tall,
I should live for good and all.

Pipe Organs

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ludwig II of Bavaria

The Pilgrim's Progress

 The Pilgrim's Progress (free online text)


In bed we laugh, in bed we cry;
And born in bed, in bed we die;
The near approach a bed may show
Of human bliss to human woe.
Isaac de Benserade

A poem by William Morris

For the Bed at Kelmscott
by William Morris

The wind's on the wold
And the night is a-cold,
And Thames runs chill
Twixt mead and hill,
But kind and dear
Is the old house here,
And my heart is warm
Midst winter's harm.
Rest then and rest,
And think of the best
Twixt summer and spring
When all birds sing
In the town of the tree,
As ye lie in me
And scarce dare move
Lest earth and its love
Should fade away
Ere the full of the day.

I am old and have seen
Many things that have been,
Both grief and peace,
And wane and increase.
No tale I tell
Of ill or well,
But this I say,
Night treadeth on day,
And for worst and best
Right good is rest.